Sunday, January 17, 2016

A New Year. A Better Bibliophile.

2015 was the Year of Extreme Reading Slump. (You may have noticed.) 2016 and I deserve to be better.

Looking back (quite literally) at the beginning of 2015, I set myself a bunch of bookish resolutions:
  1. Read 50 books. 25 of which are dystopian for the Dystopian Reading Challenge.
  2. Write reviews for all the books. Read, reading, will read.
  3. More bookish photos or artsy stuff in my posts. Put effort!
  4. Do features because fun.
  5. Go to a book signing. At least once.
  6. Physical copies over ebooks. Think of the covers.
  7. Write a review for a book-to-movie adaptation. *cough* Nicholas Sparks *cough*
  8. Bookshelf tour? Yes, no. Maybe. Yes!
  9. Share some personal stuff. 'Cause I ain't no flat character.
  10. Popsugar's 2015 Reading Challenge. Why not?
  11. Yeah. I met the amazing Kiera Cass.

  12. The dreaded TBR Jar. Let's not forget about that.'s further proof of how much a slacker I was.

  1. So I just finished book 24 and -- nothing.
  2. My last review post was July 11, 2015 and there are a million unfinished reviews on my Notes.
  3. Refer to previous statement.
  4. I. Don't. Even. Remember.
  5. Ha! This one I am very happy and proud to have accomplished. (I have failed, yet again, to write about it.)
  6. My few 2015 reads: ebooks >>>>>>>>>>> physical copies 
  7. Refer to number 4.
  8. So I filmed it and -- nothing.
  9. I just link you to my personal blog for this. 
  10. Checked nearly a dozen. I think you know what happened next.
  11. I didn't even have a TBR jar.

I have missed the books - their papery smell, and the feel of moving tangible pages. I have missed traveling to a whole new world and meeting new people. Even, the heart wrenching hangovers. Most of all, I missed fangirling - being able to connect so much with the world and characters that you feel like you should belong there.

So here I am, dusting off my reader wings, ready to fly this 2016.

  1. Read 30 books. (Goodreads challenge.)
  2. "Write reviews for all the books. Read, reading, will read."
  3. Spend some on physical books. Please.
  4. There's more to blogs than just reviews. So...features! Even if just twice a month.
  5. Review a book adaptation. Shadowhunters TV, maybe??
  6. Contrary to my 2nd resolution, enjoy at least 2 books as it they are. No reviewing requirement.
  7. Contribute to Recaptains! (It's always been a dream.)
  8. Bout of Books 16/17.
  9. Participate and win in Camp Nanowrimo 2016.  
I nominate 2016 to be the Year of Extreme Anti-Slacking!

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