Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 Reading Resolutions

Another year. Another set of resolutions. Specifically, book-related ones.

  1. Read 50 books. 25 of which are dystopian for the Dystopian Reading Challenge.
  2. Write reviews for all the books. Read, reading, will read.
  3. More bookish photos or artsy stuff in my posts. Put effort!
  4. Do features because fun.
  5. Go to a book signing. At least once.
  6. Physical copies over ebooks. Think of the covers.
  7. Write a review for a book-to-movie adaptation. *cough* Nicholas Sparks *cough*
  8. Bookshelf tour? Yes, no. Maybe. Yes!
  9. Share some personal stuff. 'Cause I ain't no flat character.
  10. Popsugar's 2015 Reading Challenge. Why not?
      11. The dreaded TBR Jar. Let's not forget about that.

Happy reading this 2015! Best of luck to all of us. :)

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