Thursday, May 14, 2015

Bout of Books 13.0: From Modern to Classic

Very interesting challenge we have today, hosted by Sarah of Bookish Sarah.

I have given much thought to this and after long, minutes of contemplation, I have decided that both The Fault in our Stars and Gone Girl will someday be part of my great-grandchildren's required reading. 

Obviously, I can't simple put that "it just feels like they would" reason, so I'm listing it down for you. Mainly because I am exhausted right how. Haha.


  1. They have complex characters - yes, that's mostly you Amy - that will require future teachers to hold lectures regarding said characters and their motives. (And how cancer sucks.) Don't worry children, you won't get bored.
  2. They have critically acclaimed movie adaptations. With the most amazing actors. This is probably not a logical reason but if they do end up as classics, these motion pictures will be too. And those too lazy to read will be watching. 
  3. You won't forget the story that easily. Kids (or young adults), trust the old lady. The Fault in our Stars will toy with your emotions while Gone Girl will toy with your brains. 
If my predictions do come true and these two books become classics, I would love to be John Green and Gillian Flynn about a hundred years from now.


  1. Some great picks here, certainly both TFioS and Gone Girl are crazy popular today, and both seem to have some sticking power. It would be nice to be an author who's work has become a classic, forever remembered through their writing! Thanks for participating and putting lots of thought into it!

    1. True! Plus, John Green and Gillian Flynn both have written equally incredible books other than these two. I could practically see their names and titles on the Classics bookshelves. And, you're welcome! It was really fun. :)
