Showing posts with label Bout of Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bout of Books. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Bout of Books 16.0: Fantastic Films and Why You Should Watch Them

I love stories and that includes any media that it can be told, such as movies/films/reason-for-all-existence. As an aspiring filmmaker and an average movie addict, I've had my share of the good and bad in the world of cinema. Of course, like every goddamn book boyfriend there is, the good ones always have a place in my heart.

(These are randomly ordered, btw.)

  1. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
    Wes Anderson's films are a work of art, literally. Even just movie stills deserve framing and a gallery. While his works are all aesthetically pleasing and really OCD-quenching, it was the deep story of family drama that made The Royal Tenenbaums my favorite among all. It was a perfect mix of comedy, seriousness and spectacle, while dealing with true-to-life familial issues. The film bordered on ridiculous and even, satirical and that's what makes it real and enchanting.
  2. V for Vendetta (2005)
    Even with just V's alliteration skills, this movie deserves an applause. V for Vendetta is a futuristic retelling of the burning of British Parliament on November 5th but it quickly became more than an anonymous hero saving a young woman. It was about gaining strength to change the society that is ending the world.
  3. Children of Men (2006)
    One of the most realistic apocalyptic movies I have ever seen. It's the world without fertility, without a future. An unsuspecting man tasked to protect the only hope left, a fetus growing inside a womb. Even just the premise was amazing and surely captivating. I found the filmmaking aspects quite unique as well, as it focused solely on the main character - throughout the entire movie - truly placing the audience in his position. 

  4. The Normal Heart (2014)
    I am all about the LGBT++ community. And I am also all about Matt Bomer. When my friend recommended this movie, I couldn't resist. It was a torturous whirlwind of love, heartbreak, pain, sickness, and the fight to equality and I love it all the way. The acting was truly sublime that I found myself falling in love when they did and getting angry when they did and hurting inside when they did. 
  5. Room (2015)
    A mother's love is nearly uncapturable and yet Room managed to get it all so smoothly in 2 hours. A young mother and son caged in a single room for years. It was bound to get everyone wheezing from tears. It was incredibly moving and breathtaking at every struggle for freedom and every push forward. 

This was a truly hard list to make, having to choose only 5 movies. I can't not at least mention Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016). I'm a die hard Batman and DC fan and despite its flaws, I still loved and enjoyed Snyder's latest creation and homage to the comics. And of course, I would be shaming the name of great movies if I were to omit Inception (2010). Christopher Nolan is my favorite director beside Wes Anderson and all his movies *ehem The Dark Knight ehem* are all mindblowing and awesome that if the list were longer, it would dominate. Inception, however, was the biggest mindfuck there is.

My first challenge this whole Bout of Books and it was a joy to reminisce the great film creations (for me, anyway) to have come and gone. May the future hold more.

How about you? Any movies from my list you've watched and enjoyed like I did? Do you have great suggestions of your own?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Bout of Books 16.0: Catching Up

Recently, life has been going by quite fast that my legs and lungs have been burning trying to keep up. But my bookshelf has been in a standstill and it's about time to catch up.

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 9th and runs through Sunday, May 15th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 16 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. 
- From the Bout of Books team

Despite having read 2 novels of a hundred++ pages, I am still 3 books behind schedule and even more reviews short.

Goals goals goals would be: 

  • read a maximum of 3 books (to get back on track) and a minimum of 2
  • write reviews of previously read books and post them 
  • write reviews of finished books and also, post them 
  • join a Twitter chat! (that means fixing my Twitter/email problems from last time)
  • try all challenges for maximum enjoyment

Books read: 0
Pages read: 0
Books finished: 0
Challenges done: nada

What a great start to a read-a-thon! Today was elections and everybody was frantic and going crazy with the results. Pray for the Philippines.

Books read: 0
Pages read: 0
Books finished: 0
Challenges done: 0

*walks through the aisles of books* SHAME! SHAME! I had a meeting and went out with friends afterwards that I never had the opportunity to open my iBooks and flip open the first page.

Books read: 1(Ruined by Amy Tintera)
Pages read: 48 ebook pages
Books finished: 0
Challenges done: 1 (Fantastic Films and Why You Should Watch Them)

Finally, here's some progress. It's slow but at least it's coming. I've still half of the week to do what I was meant to go, catch the f*ck up.

Books read: 1 (Ruined by Amy Tintera)
Pages Read: 188 ebook pages
Books finished: 0!
Challenges done: 0

Read until past midnight. Progress.

Books read: 1 (Ruined by Amy Tintera)
Pages read: 83 ebook pages
Books finished: 1! *cue confetti* Ruined by Amy Tintera
Challenges done: 0

Books read: 0
Pages read: 0
Books finished: 0
Challenges done: 0

WiFi: broken :(

Books read: 0
Pages read: 0
Books finished: 1
Challenges done: 0

A review is in progress. Later update: a review is finished.

Bout of Books 16 was both an awesome success and a sad try-again-next-time. I wasn't able to fully accomplish all my goals given that's it's summer and I need to take advantage of it, I'm in a partial reading slump, and there's not much books that interest me these days.

The challenges this year weren't as creative (no offense) as the previous Bout of Books so I couldn't find it in myself to accomplish them all. At least, I got one down though.

I was also able to finally start and finish a review and it's getting ready to be posted soon. Just gotta deal with a corresponding bookish photo shoot. I definitely felt rusty in using my words but it was good to let all the thoughts run through.

Cheers to more Bout of Books to come! How did yours go?

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Bout of Books 13.0: Favorite Read Photo Challenge + Review

A photography challenge. About books. I couldn't resist. Hosted by Stephanie of Once Upon a Chapter.

Seconds after reading the explanatory post, I literally got my camera and grabbed The Lover's Dictionary - my fave so far - and went to work.

The Lover's Dictionary told the love story between two unnamed people who go through the rollercoaster of a relationship. It was raw and riveting and my heart smiles and aches for them. I love how their gender weren't disclosed - they could easily be anyone.

abberant, adj. 
"I don't normally feel this good about what I'm doing." 
Measure the hope of that moment, that feeling. 
Everything else will be measured against it.

No one can't deny that it isn't phenomenally written. Because it is. The story telling concept was very unique and it captivated me all throughout.

My only discomfort was having to return to my phone to search the word in the dictionary every few pages. There's no given definition and I'm not an expert in vocabulary. I do think that having the meaning printed would further deepen the reading experience.

yearning, n. and adj.
At the core of this desire is the belief that everything can be perfect.
Still, it was a book, absolutely worth flipping to. Every moment of their relationship felt real, especially with a single word capturing it all. How much I was magnetized by this book is simply indescribable.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Bout of Books 13.0: From Modern to Classic

Very interesting challenge we have today, hosted by Sarah of Bookish Sarah.

I have given much thought to this and after long, minutes of contemplation, I have decided that both The Fault in our Stars and Gone Girl will someday be part of my great-grandchildren's required reading. 

Obviously, I can't simple put that "it just feels like they would" reason, so I'm listing it down for you. Mainly because I am exhausted right how. Haha.


  1. They have complex characters - yes, that's mostly you Amy - that will require future teachers to hold lectures regarding said characters and their motives. (And how cancer sucks.) Don't worry children, you won't get bored.
  2. They have critically acclaimed movie adaptations. With the most amazing actors. This is probably not a logical reason but if they do end up as classics, these motion pictures will be too. And those too lazy to read will be watching. 
  3. You won't forget the story that easily. Kids (or young adults), trust the old lady. The Fault in our Stars will toy with your emotions while Gone Girl will toy with your brains. 
If my predictions do come true and these two books become classics, I would love to be John Green and Gillian Flynn about a hundred years from now.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bout of Books 13.0: Bookish Survey

Lori from Writing My Own Fairytale is hosting challenge for Day 1. Who doesn't love answering questions about themselves, right? Especially if it's book-related.

To clarify, I'm actually answering this on Day 2. Yes, Tuesday. I'm not a time traveler nor do I own a time turner. (God, I wish I do.) I just live in the Eastern side of the Pacific where the sun rises first. 

Anyways, here are the questions:

1) How do you organize your shelves?
Let me just laugh at how I was just cleaning my bookshelf yesterday - meaning, Monday. (There's a possible bookshelf tour coming up, btw.) Coincidences? Back to the question. My favorite series and stand-alones have their own shelf, while the rest are carefully arranged by color and height.

2) What is one of your favorite book that's not in one of your favorite genres?
That would be Volition by Lily Paradis. It's in the NA genre and one of the books that isn't all sex.

3) What is the last 5 star book you read?
5-star-I-gave or 5-star-Goodreads-gave? For the former, The Heir by Kiera Cass. You can read all about why in this review. For the former, no idea.

4) What book are you most excited to read during the read-a-thon?
The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan

5) What book do you recommend the most?
Hmm, that's hard. I'm sticking with, ANY Gayle Forman book.

Well that was fun! Can't wait to do more challenges. Here's a recap of my Day 1 and feel free to share about yours.  

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Rising from the Reading Slump

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 11th and runs through Sunday, May 17th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 13 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.
- From the Bout of Books Team

April was a month consisting of laying in bed all day and marathoning a million series that I'll most likely never finish, without ever opening a single book. For the lesser half of the 30-days. For the most part, I have a perfectly good excuse, I went abroad. Ha.

Either way, I am now 3 books behind on my Goodreads challenge and being a lazy ass, not just with reading, isn't working out for me. So it's time to get up and do something! (Funny how I'm going to sit back down again. At least while reading.)

Goals, goals, goals: generally, to get back on my track with Goodreads (ooh, alliteration!); specifically: 3 books - Confess, Shades of Earth, and The Lover's Dictionary

I pretty much spent the whole day cleaning so no book was finished. I did read 63 pages Shades of Earth in ebook version and also did the Bookish Survey challenge. As much as I wanted to, I wasn't able to participate in the Twitter Chat because of some annoying stuff that happened with my email. *ehem* Yahoo *ehem* I'll try again on Saturday, that's for sure!

I. AM. GETTING. SO. CONFUSED. BY. THE. DAYS. DAMN. TIME. ZONES. I just continued reading Shades of Earth.

Is it just me, or are the days going by so fast? I think it's just me. So, I finished all 338 digital pages of Shades of Earth! Hooray! *insert 30-second dance party; thanks Mer!* I've got mixed feelings about this one, though. Review to come all the way from Centauri-Earth. I promise it's not going to take a hundred years.

I would consider this day quite productive - bookish wise - since I finished The Lover's Dictionary in one sitting! Woo, the feels in that book though. Aaand, even though it's very late in the evening right now, I joined the challenge for Day 4, From Modern to Classic.

I've got a confession. I didn't read anything today but the first few pages of Confess. Oops.

To make up for slumping my way through yesterday, I joined today's Favorite Read Photography Challenge and wrote a review

Oh my god, I didn't read again. What is wrong with me?! At least, I finally got my review of Shades of Earth done, along with a bonus of WordPlay. Yaay. But seriously, no reading. I am ashamed.

In Conclusion
Writing this, it is 18th of May, Monday and Bout of Books 13.0 have ended hours earlier. I gotta say this wasn't my best read-a-thon, which is sad, but I did manage to pull myself about 10% out of my reading slump by finishing 2 books. That's progress, right? 

I did 3 challenges for this week. They were fun and got me into a reading-ish/productivity mode which is good. I was also able to update my Review page and actually write reviews on time. 10 points for productivity!

Anyways, I really do hope to get out of this slump 110% soon so I could get back to fully enjoying leisurely reading. If you've got tips, go ahead and share, from one bibliophile to another. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Bout of Books 11.0

"The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 18th and runs through Sunday, August 24th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. 

For all Bout of Books 11 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog." 

Here we are. Again. Not that I mind. I've been in a reading slump lately and I'm hoping to get out of it with this read-a-thon.

Reading Goal: 3-5 books


(pretty much only the half of the unread ebooks in my iTouch)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Bout of Books 8.0: Wrap Up

It greatly unfortunate to bid farewell to this great and challenging reading adventure.

General Goals:
1) Finish at least 2-3 books.
2) Read at least 500 pages.
3) Participate in one Twitter chat.
4) Do 2-3 challenges.

Thirteen Moons by Charles Frazier
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #1) by Michelle Hodkin (review)
Fanny and Sue: A Novel by Karen Stolz
The Gathering by Anne Enright
If I Stay (If I Stay #1) by Gayle Forman (review to come)

I flipped and read a total of 1133 papers with printed words.

Twitter Chat:
I was happily able to participate in the Monday and Wednesday #BoutofBooks chat. If you've noticed, I stated my cooperation on Tuesday and Thursday because of the time zones.

The Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday challenges are the ones that I am lucky enough to have time to take part in. It's a great deal of fun, and a sort of learning experience as well.

Compared to my first Bout of Books (7.0), the results are higher than I expected and I am definitely happy and proud about it despite the hangovers, headaches, and slumps it caused afterwards.

How about you? Were you able to reach your goals? Do you see any differences - positive and/or negative - from your recent Bout of Books read-a-thon? First timers, what is your experience like? Feel free to share.

Don't forget to visit the Bout of Books website for further information regarding Bout of Book 9.0 and other fun stuff (like the review-a-thon). Till we read again!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bout of Books 8.0: Acrostic Book Poem Challenge

Fahima of I Read, Ergo I Write is hosting today's Acrostic Book Poem Challenge. Come and bring out your inner acrostic poet(ness)!

I chose my favorite book for my entry:

Like I said, this was a really difficult challenge for me, especially because I am more of a long sentence, narrative writer, than a short phrases, rhyming poet (plus, it also has to be an acrostic book title). Nevertheless, it's still an entertaining experience.

Have you ever tried making an acrostic book poem? Not yet? It's about time you try!

P.S. Divergent by Veronica Roth <4

Bout of Books 8.0: Bookish Mad Libs Challenge

I've never (officially) played Mad Libs, ever. I am fortunate enough that Friday's challenge is a Bookish (the best kind, I believe) Mad Libs hosted by Shaunie of The Space Between. Join in the extra fun!

Here's my list of chosen books:

A. UNDERWORLD by Meg Cabot (proper name or noun of a place)
B. SEEKER from The Host (favorite villain)
C. PARALLEL by Lauren Miller (adjective)
D. The Rise of NINE by Pittacus Lore (number)
E. Across the UNIVERSE by Beth Ravis (noun)
F. FOUR/Tobias from Divergent (favorite hero - you wouldn't mind spending a lot of time with)
G. The ICE CREAM Girls by Dorothy Koomson (dessert in a book title)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bout of Books 8.0: Book Road Trip Challenge

Stephanie of In Wonderland is the host of today's Book Road Trip Challenge. It's a really creative challenge that I personally like (being a wanderer and all) and I believe all of you would too. Come on and join the ride!

In the United States, I'll be driving to:

Chicago, ILLINOIS to fall in love with the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth (and Four) all over again
Miami, FLORIDA to discover more of what is going on with Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
NEW YORK to figure out who Boy Nobody by Allen Zadoff truly is

In Europe, I'll be driving (or bicycling) to:

Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS to experience Anne Frank's tragic and courageous story both physically and emotionally (and of course, to get a glimpse of the Secret Annex)
Copenhagen, DENMARK to unearth the secrets of Smilla's Sense of Snow by Peter Høeg
London, ENGLAND to answer the Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling-in-disguise)
IRELAND to envision There'll You'll Find Me by Jenny B. Jones
Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC to explore its beauty with the Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

How about you? What places are you planning to visit with a book?

P.S. I'm still discovering Young Adult novels set in the artistic continents of Africa, Asia, and Australia and the enriching atmospheres of South America, Canada, and Alaska so if you have any titles in mind, feel free to tell me.

P.P.S. Pictures are from Wikipedia.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bout of Books 8.0: Re-title It Challenge

It's a rainy Tuesday and along with the thick water droplets, comes the opportunity to join yet another challenge for the Bout of Books read-a-thon. 

Laura of Music Plus Books is hosting today's Re-title It Challenge. This ends at 11:59 pm (CST) of August 20th, so if you haven't yet, better head over there now and join! 

Here's my entry:

It is not in book-like size. Sorry about that.

I am currently reading (and definitely enjoying) the story of twins, Fanny and Sue. They are identical twins and yet they have totally different personalities. Fanny is the wild of the two while Sue is the obedient. Nevertheless their opposing traits, one is very much incomplete without each other - they fit one another perfectly. 

I renamed it AKIN because it simply means, 'of similar character' (e.g. genius and madness are akin). The twins of St. Louis, Missouri are the definition of alike and diverse. 

Love the cover, don't you?
As seen, I tried to match the theme of my cover with the novel itself, which is set at the time of the Great Depression. I focused on more earthly, feminine, and neutral tones like the sunny shade of yellow and the lighter versions of brown, black and grey. To add a (small) sense of oldness to it, paint drips and old papers were added. 

I wholeheartedly admit that my cover's twin models (Elza and Vera Luijendijk) do not match Fanny and Sue themselves - a reason is because their physical appearances aren't described as much. They're the only decent pair I found that I could work with, plus I believe that the Luijendijk twins' looks complement those of Fanny and Sue. 

The blondish twin (that I believe is Elza) acts as Fanny, the badass with her different celebrity smiles and confidence, while the brunette (or maybe, Vera) portrays Sue, the goody-two shoes who will always guide and care for Fanny.

Are you participating on today's challenge? Yes? Send me your post links below. I would love to see your version of your current/to be reads!

P.S. Sorry about the long explanation. Fanny and Sue has made a deep impact on me so as you can see, I've babbled about it. 

P.P.S. I used Polyvore to create and edit this cover. (Too lazy for Photoshop, apparently.)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Bout of Books 8.0

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is upon us. 

  I was nervous to see it awaiting my participation through a stack of unread novels on my shelf but as this   day wore on, and I flip more pages, things become more like (or maybe even better than) the good 'ol 7.0.

This week, I am crossing my fingers on reading the 5 books of my To-be-Read pile.

(Pardon the picture. Wide shots aren't exactly my specialty.)
 1) Thirteen Moons by Charles Frazier - Before this day, I was on page 175. It has grown on me and I have taken much more interest to it than before, and so I plan to continue and hopefully finish Will's journey throughout the read-a-thon.

2) The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer - One of the many books that have captivated my attention for a long time and I was glad to have been given the chance to finally give it a much awaited book hug (and page flip).

3) The Gathering by Anne Enright - Part of my bookish resolutions is to read a novel set in Europe (this is specifically in Ireland) and this is a pretty good book to reach it with. 

4) Fanny and Sue by Karen Stolz - The jacket itself gives off a hue of mystery and a wave of chills. What more will the story inside it be? 

5) If I Stay by Gayle Forman - This has been greatly appealed to me, not only on Goodreads but on other book blogs as well. It's about time that I give it a chance to show me its constantly praised prose.  


Books read: Thirteen Moons by Charles Frazier, Fanny and Sue by Karen Stolz
Books finished: none (wait for it...)
Pages read: 25 pages 
+ Monday Challenge: Bookish Bucket List 

Tuesday-pages goal: 100 pages


Books read: Fanny and Sue by Karen Stolz
Books finished: none (just keep waiting...)
Pages read: 148 pages
+ #BoutofBooks Twitter Chatroom
+ Tuesday Challenge: Re-title It

Wednesday-pages goal: 200 pages


Books read: Fanny and Sue by Karen Stolz, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle 
Books finished: Fanny and Sue by Karen Stolz (ha...told ya!)
Pages read: 517 pages

Thursday-pages goal: 100 pages

P.S. I subtracted 10 pages from The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and placed it on the Thursday stats since I was left hanging at about 12:15 am of Day 4. 


Books read: The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by MIchelle Hodkin, The Gathering by Anne Enright
Books finished: The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by MIchelle Hodkin
Pages read: 65 pages
+ #BoutofBooks Twitter Chatroom
+ Thursday Challenge: Book Road Trip

Friday-pages goal: 200 pages


Books read: The Gathering by Anne Enright
Books finished: none
Pages read: 43 pages

+ Friday Challenge: Bookish Mad Libs

Saturday-pages goal: 300 pages


Books read: The Gathering by Anne Enright, If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Books finished: -
Pages read: 163 pages
+ Saturday Challenge: Acrostic Book Poem

Sunday-pages goal: 150 pages


Books read: The Gathering by Anne Enright, If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Books finished: If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Pages read: 207 pages

Check out my overall results here.

Twitter | Goodreads

Haven't joined Bout of Books 8.0? Yes? Well then, what are your reading goals for this week? Not yet? Come and sign up. I swear it'll be fun (when is reading not fun, anyways?).

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

For all Bout of Books 8.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.
 - From the Bout of Books team

8.0 is my second take on the Bout of Books read-a-thon and I am very much excited and nervous for another challenge this August! It's even sweeter because my best friend -
Je m'appelle Jamie - is joining me for this. 

Have you signed up yet?